The Fallacy known as SCOTUS

The Supreme Court must be disbanded. It is an illgical and irrational body.

I have a coworker and a friend who earned a magnitude of respect while acting as our units union rep. Was really one of his first acts. There was 14 or so of us in the unit at that time. Our unit provided 24 hour immediate response coverage. To do this, for year, maybe since the beginning the various units had worked a “Rotating schedule”. How that was divided up each year was dependent upon the number of people in the unit and their seniority combined with operation need projection. You would work different shifts, different days off, and often if you were not looking at the schedule, you didn't know what your days off were outside of the current pay period. I had crafted a schedule that would have us all picking a shift and being assigned to not only that shift, but specific days off. We voted, and this was the schedule we were going to submit to management per our contracted right to do so. (Ironically and earning more respect, my friend was one of the few votes against abandoning the rotating schedule. Partly because it meant that if you were on a day shift, you were going to lose money on night shift differential. And yet he assumed his role of representing the will of the unit with integrity.) Management at the time was a typical unqualified promotion of somebody who had “networked” their way into a management position. Those who don't know what we do, often find relevance in the most insignificant stances. Hers was “Personal Protective Equipment” for stuff that we would never do in a million years. But we had the safety gear to do it, and we were responsible for it. The other thing was that she was going to fight to keep us on the rotating shift schedule. So it came to “impasse” that had to be mediated by the next level manager. My friend would account for me later that she said after having other points shot down, “But this is how we have always did it. I had to suffer through swing shifts. “ To which my friend responded “It was awful, don't you think it is time to change that.” The moderator was taken by this exposed truth and agreed. We got out straight schedule. Ironically my friend took a promotion into a unit that is one of the few that still does rotating shifts.

Argumentum ad antiquitatem, AKA appeal to tradition, appeal to common practice, appeal to antiquity, appeal to traditional wisdom, proof from tradition, appeal to past practice, traditional wisdom. But is is also know as “stare decisis” or “precedents”. These are logical fallacies. Logical fallacies are not compatible to scientific discovery or rational decision making. And yet there is a political philosophy that leans heavily on it while at the same time saying “unfounded belief systems (such as religions) should not dictate our policy”. And recent events has them screaming “follow the science”. Something they only mean when it agrees with their point of view. There can be nothing more unscientific than clinging to a belief because “That's the way it has always been.”

I want to take a second here to explain the stack of logical fallacies we built our political and belief system as westerners and Americans. First we have the foundation of “Argumentum ad populum” or appeal to populus or appeal to democracy. In our case 320 million idiots all “electing” who they believe will lead them to a life of pleasure and happiness. Which believing that to be the “goal in life” is a flawed belief to begin with. But even if it was valid, there is no connection between being an elected politician and the skills needed to lead us to that state of euphoria. I can turn you onto no less than a half dozen podcasts produced by people with experience studying what it is that will lead us to emotional, physical, and financial contentment is most often a complex and counterintuitive to our “common sense”. Which means most of us have not business picking leadership. When we do, we pick idiots that are a projection of our own ignorance. The only thing a politician is an expert at is.. gettting elected”. Saying the right things or being known for not saying the wrong things to appeal to the populous who think they are all “experts”. This is known as “Appeal to authority”. Being granted this authority they must be experts. On top of that, all of our laws are “checked” against this document that has been outdated since the first decade after it was written to see if the social regulations comply. Who are these “experts”? Are they sociologist, psychologists, economists, ecologists, doctors, or even accountants? F'k no! They they are lawyers. A lawyers job description is not to find the scientific and valid answer to a question or hypothesis. No their job description is to “represent their paying clients position no matter how irrational or unbelievable it is.” That is like hiring a golf pro to treat the weeds and bugs in your yard. Like hiring a NASCAR driver to drive your kids school bus.

So saying that a social policy must be maintained because some lawyers deemed “experts” by politicians who were elected by a few million idiots and they decided that 50 years ago is the height of irrational and illogical arguments. If you have another argument, that is fine. But “stare decisis” is not tenable. Anything that the SCOTUS “decides” is based upon bullshit stacked to the ceiling of the capital building.
