** A repost, but in light of today's big news, I think it is worth making sure the science and the logic stay front and center over the immature debates of slogans.**
Want proof that the pro-death agenda will actually stymie scientific advancement and hide the truth to protect their right to murder the unborn? This was 2017.
""Up to now, we've been either born or not born. This would be halfway born, or something like that. Think about that in terms of our abortion politics,....
"I could imagine a time, you know sort of [a] 'Brave New World,' where we're growing embryos from the beginning to the end outside of our bodies.......
There's also a danger such devices might be used coercively. States could theoretically require women getting abortions to put their fetuses into artificial wombs, (You know!! and then giving the father the same rights to raise the child and charge her for child support. But who wants that kind of "reproductive equality?!) ...
"I want to make this very clear: We have no intention and we've never had any intention with this technology of extending the limits of viability further back," Flake says. "I think when you do that you open a whole new can of worms."
So why is science being denied discovery here? Because of it ruining the "pro-life" argument?"