Reproductive Equality For Men

 So for years I, as a man, have had to suffer the bully tactics and reverse misogyny of feminism saying things like, "If a man could get pregnant...." Then everything from birth control being free to abortions being done at a sports bar. I have had to endure the endless comments about "sperm donors". And all of that pales in comparison to the fact that somehow my ex, who assaulted me (and was arrested for it) in front of 2 police officers, was drunk high, and had a record. She was living with the drunk father who on the stand was asked if he had given his daughter advice after the fact. He responded "Yeah, I told her she should have hit him before she got drunk!" My ex couldn't stay away from my daughter enough. (Much caused by a psychological version of PTSD caused by an earlier abortion I think.) The only time she wanted anything to do with her at that time was when her family was giving her attention. (One day I hope to share my story.) All of this came out in a psych review for the 80 old judge to consider. My "faults". I mentioned I wanted to consider home schooling when my 3 yr old was of the age. (oh the irony that every kid is now home schooled to some extent.) I was asking for full custody, she 50/50. The judgment came back with a request she call for a "full time plan". and I was given the rights of a convict. (To date my most viewed post here on LAP is not about politics but "Marriages Destroyed By SSRIs".)

THAT is what it is like to be a father in a western society. And for years we have been shut down with "you don't have to carry it in your body for 9 months." And oh yeah, the gouging for child support that I have never argued was ridiculous and left me with $100 a month for gas to get to work and food. Today, 12 years later, I haven't talked to my daughter in 6 months. This was the console of a well respected doctorate in therapy that I have known for years. As he daughter sat in a counseling session screaming "I hate him and wish he wasn't my father. (Now you can track my engagement with my daughter on FB if you want. You will see I hardly sat around ignoring her on my 4 days a month I was granted. So yeah,. Fathers ca feel every bit of emotional pain and more when their child is taken from them as any mother could. And yet all we hare about is the woman's "Rights".

But the research has already progressed beyond what the investigators described in the paper. In an interview, Dr. Hanna said he and his colleagues had taken fertilized eggs from the oviducts of female mice just after fertilization — at Day 0 of development — and had grown them in the artificial uterus for 11 days.

Let's talk about "reproductive equality". Since we can now care for a human being completely outside the womb with a procedure that takes no more discomfort or pain than it takes to get an abortion AND the chance of life is the same as a premature baby in an incubator, it is time to update our law. It is well past time to revisit Roe v. Wade in the US. They need to be updated to get the father's consent to abort the baby. In this posted article from the NYT in 2021, they are doing this for mice. This has much smaller connections than the human by magnitudes.

So what kind of new policies can we expect. For years the government has been paying women's abortions, it should be expected that if a father wants to keep his baby, the government will pay for it's mistake of not including men in that decision by paying for the process to raise he baby. This is what I would propose.

At the event that the prgnacy is discovered the prospective mother is to inform the father. Then one of the following will be registered with the courts.

  1. She wants to keep it. He decides if he does not want it. He signs away his rights, but must pay child support.
  2. She doesn't want it, he doesn't want it but they made the mistake and must pay to have the baby put into an artificial womb. They will be held accountable for the costs until a parent is found.
  3. She Doesn't want it, but he does. The baby is put into an artificial womb, the father gets the baby, she signs away responsibility, but has to pay child support.

In the case of rape or incest, an investigation is conducted and arrests are made. The criminals are not raping anybody else.

This is what "Equality" looks like. This is what morality looks like. With that I would like to add that NPR has been derelict and needs any federal funding pulled from their coffers. I posted about this scientific development that not only changes the viability assumption but the morality assumption. In the NPR generated report they noted

"Up to now, we've been either born or not born. This would be halfway born, or something like that. Think about that in terms of our abortion politics,

Yes imagine what that would mean NPR.. Imagine if the lies you have been pushing for years are as immoral as those you condemn.

"I want to make this very clear: We have no intention and we've never had any intention with this technology of extending the limits of viability further back," Flake says. "I think when you do that you open a whole new can of worms.

Remember when science favored the liberal agenda and they couldn't wait to parade it around and demand that we not let personal belief interfere. Well guess what science has a way of doing.. improving understanding. Now the liberal outlets are trying to hide this like FOX evidence of payments to Stormy Daniels.
