Somebody asked me "Post why you like Biden without mentioning Trump". I said something to the extent.
I don't know what is the truth or what is filtered media drama by watching TV. But I can tell you that I judge any politician like I judge any person. By their actions and what is known without dispute. Joe, has been married twice. The first was wife died with their daughter in a car accident just weeks before Joe was to be seated in the senate. He wanted to quit. I understand that and would have understood if he actually did. But his political Rival, John McCain called and pleaded with him not to. To honor their memory by serving the public. Joe Married again. The son in the back seat of the car when his mom and sister died has had emotional issues his whole life and did much self medicating.. well no shit. He never gave up on his son. A son still causing him problems with his bad decisions.
He married again, and during that time between there is no reports or evidence of being a pig. He remained true to himself. Married another intelligent woman. She has absolutely no reports of infidelity or lack of attentiveness as a father. Now in a Jerry Springer/ MaurryPolivich world where we have over a 50% divorces, the highest rate in the world for single parenthood, and people not getting married because they haven't the gumption to make a commitment, I find the ability to stay true to ones family, amazing. I don't know in his position if I could have done it. I like to think I could have. I don't know anything else. What I do know is that IF you can't keep your promise to your wife, to your family remain true, to honor the words you spoke in public / religious setting in front of family, your God, and friends to be true... If you are so selfish that you can't even do that, what chance as some guy you never met, that voted for you, that you will be true to me.
Show me one family member that says any of the crap about Joe is true. Shoe me one, writing a book about how awful he is. None that I know of from the people that know him. Instead, judge him not by what his friends say about him, but what his enemies say about him. Lindsey Graham said, "Joe is about as decent of a man as God ever created." It is on video. The man is nearly in tear talking about Joe. His political adversary on many accounts. I could only hope the people I piss off daily would give me half that compliment.
Last, but certainly not least. I judge a man by his ability to say, "I messed up. I am sorry." and then show he means it with his actions. Joe is a "Gaff" machine. That means he says thing that are taken far too wrong by people looking to exploit the wrong things he says or does. But, when the media or his allies call him out, he say, "I am sorry. I didn't mean it that way" or "I wasn't thinking about how that would be taken." "I was wrong." If there is a means to correct the mistake, I expect him to take it. Most recently he said the "you ain't black man" phrase. I understood what he meant. I often say "you ain't Christian man". but it was blown up to mean something else. Joe said, "I am sorry." He has a lifetime of doing positive things for minorities to show that it wasn't meant to be taken as it was framed.
That is my "Criteria". I expect this from myself. I appreciate it in friends. I demand it from the governing policy makers.