I am going to address this giant can of worms once then I am going to move on. I don't think I am going to even enable comments on this thread. There is no room for discussion on this. There is very few things that get under my skin than being falsely accused or capitalizing on situations where one can never prove their innocence. Because the entire subject is based on worthless conjecture that is ripe with the ability to confuse people with bias. Lately I have been triggered by people equating unproven out of character accusation to full on, confessed perverted rapist. I am not going to be part of the BS degrading of a man's reputation in this way when there is no evidence he deserves it. This will also be a defense of Joe Biden. If you have something to say, go tell it to somebody else. Settle in, this will be a long one.
Top down response:
I am going to tackle this subject by
making points about the bigger issues and funneling it down to the
point it gets personal. And it does get personal. In some ways it
always has. I have always had a weak spot, am easily moved to anger
when somebody is wrongly accused. Thought about being a lawyer till
they told me I would have to write a lot and go to school for 8 more
years. (seems ironic now. Just like the fact I didn't graduate with
my class cause I failed government. ) I have always been easily
drawn into stories like “The Memphis 3”, Rubin “Hurricane”
Carter, and Anthony Porter. “Making of a Murderer” had me from
the title. I currently am trying to sneak in when Kristy isn't
watching “how to fix a drug deal”. She humors me, like with
politics. At least with that, she had warning. One of our first
dates, she was dinner with me on Election night 2016, and I couldn't
keep my eyes off the TV. I explained that this was “like the
Superbowl to me.” (In my defense we were going to “Chuck's
Steakhouse” which wasn't. It was a death metal show next to a strip
club that may or may not have been defunct. So there was give and
take that night.) But I don't think she shares my obsession for these
forsaken justices programs. Likewise I have grown equally
frustrated with those that have been irrationally acquitted such as
Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, and of course OJ. When I get bored,
I watch Criminal minds, Law and order, even Mind Hunters.
This might shock some of you, but I do not see the world the same way most people do. I focus on different things I can't remember where I put my phone, but I remember where I was when things happened. I knew who Donald Trump was in the 90's. I thought he was a douchebag back then. I worked with ex cons in the factories where I was employed, some of them I grew to believe actually were not guilty. We discussed the “Central Park 5” case back then. I got a real good education.
This might shock some of you, but I do not see the world the same way most people do. I focus on different things I can't remember where I put my phone, but I remember where I was when things happened. I knew who Donald Trump was in the 90's. I thought he was a douchebag back then. I worked with ex cons in the factories where I was employed, some of them I grew to believe actually were not guilty. We discussed the “Central Park 5” case back then. I got a real good education.
This is all to say, “justice”
matters on this really deep level. The only thing that I am more
passionate about is the systemic functions of American politics. And
there are “liars” on both sides. There are crimes where the
accused are innocent and yet convicted, There are crimes where the
accused is guilty but set free. Then there are crimes that just can
never be settled. The only people who know what happened were there.
There is no way to communicate that in a way that provides clarity.
Even more frustrating is the notion that there is two minds, two
different perspectives, two truths. Both are right and both are
wrong. The only thing you can do is let those cases go. The
information can not be used to form an opinion about either person.
AND that is the kinds of case the majority of sexual harassment or
the like are.
The Big Picture. - Just The Facts.
Fact 1 & 2: People make false
accusations and memories are the least dependable evidence.
The fact is that all kinds of crimes
have convictions tied to them that modern techniques have went on to
confirm that even though the victim identified their assailant, they
were wrong. DNA, fingerprints, or other types of scientific analysis
proved their memories deceived them. Elizabath Loftus who studies how
we remember events said,
“Our memories are constructive. They're reconstructive. Memory works a little bit more like a Wikipedia page: You can go in there and change it, but so can other people.”
She has worked with people falsely
convinced of every imagination crimes from rape to murder via
“eyewitness”. Let that thought marinate in your head dear
reader. A mans life was taken from him by a woman who was raped by
somebody else, but (often because somebody else with an agenda got in
their head) she remembers the most important details completely
wrong. She tells a story about a woman going to therapy and believing
they had a baby cut out of her. Even thought there was no phsycal
evidence that it ever happened. A study published in the BMJ found
that 1% of American women reported having birth despite never havingsex. (AKA virgin births)
When the person with the false memory
asks friends about an incident they mentioned once 30 years prior,
they are asking the impossible Even in the best of circumstances,
human memory is malleable and unreliable. Of the 367 convictions the
Innocence Projects has gotten exonerated, a Duke Law School study
found that 76% of them were convicted with “eye witness testimony”.
So when you have somebody you care about come to you and say, “do
you remember when I told you about that incident” your mind wants
to tell them “yes”. The only thing we know for sure is that the
undeniable truth, is lost at that point.
Jill Harth- “Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her. He was relentless," “Harth sued Trump in 1997 for sexual harassment.” “Trump settled with Houraney, and as a condition of the settlement, Harth withdrew her case.”
Karena Virginia - Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open she “overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Here is the problem, there is no taking
back the damage that the false accusation, let alone conviction has
done. That is why we have an “innocent until proven guilty” in
our system.
Fact 3: False allegations of all sexual
conducts exist and are common. But how common in difficult to
The very notion of a “False rape
accusation” has become taboo. You don't bring it up in this BS age
of “Me Too”. Every rape allegation must be true. However, the
science says otherwise. The NCBI has posted a study that points out
3 general reason for reporting a false rape. One is for “political
gain” or to get attention and “social acceptance from a group.
(You know, if your boy Bernie Sanders needs a leg up, you can accuse
his competitors of stuff that nobody can prove. But I am getting
ahead of myself.)
Reason 1: The Alibi- Where the accuser
is caught having sex when they shouldn't be. A cheating wife or a
teenager who gets pregnant. (Because saying “God Did It” is a
one time deal.)
Reason 2: Revenge- A favorite of
divorce posturing and jilted ex lovers throughout the ages. This is
why “me too” is so dangerous. It enables this type of motive.
Encourages it even.
Reason 3: Quest for sympathy or
attention- The NIMH describes this as “an allegation is used to
attract sympathy or attention, the rape is usually disclosed to close
friends or caregivers and involves unknown perpetrators. “
The report goes on to explain the list
is hardly complete or perfect.
“The list, however, is not exhaustive. For example, the motive of gain is not included in the list. A motive like a promotion to a better job is more a material gain.”The notion of accusing some kind of sexual advance to get revenge for losses of a promotion is clearly in the list.
Fact 4: Crime Or Not Intent Matters.
In our legal system a crime must be
proven by physical evidence, by motive, and by intent. In fact you
have to prove intent to prove the motive. The level of intent can
determine the level of a crime you are charged with. Vehicular
homicide come with way softer punishments than premeditated murder.
The same is true in day to day life. You can walk down the street
and get angry at everybody who bumps into if you think their intent
is one of malice or selfishness. Or you can read body language take
the situation in context and / or get an apology and forgive. The
notion of saying “I'm sorry” is to convey the intent was not from
malice but out of a lack of caution or misunderstanding.
But intent is something that is lucid
and has to be guessed at. Somebody wanting to manipulate the public
view of somebody who made a mistake can hold onto the most malice of
intent. They can equate them to somebody who clearly has
demonstrated near evil level of selfish malice. So often you call
these manipulators out on their (B)ernie (S)anders and they scurry
backwards saying “No, I am not saying they are the same, just that
neither of them are innocent.” BFS. That is the intent, to defile
the reputation of a person who is innocent for your one personal
settled cognitive dissonance. That is dishonorable
Big Picture Fact 5: Circumstances Can
Shine a Light
In courts it is hard to convict on
circumstantial evidence alone. However in the court of public
opinion, No such boundaries are set. You can get to know a person
through very little information. You are allowed to assume “Facts
not in evidence”. So long as you are basing them in factual
metrics. This is why our courts do allow “character witnesses”.
These are people who don't know the facts of the crime, but they are
simply to supply circumstantial context to the “intent” question.
Some people find it difficult to make themselves look guilty, and
that is unfortunate for them. But guilt is often obvious long before
any crime is ever committed.
All of these elements should not only
be considered when sitting in judgment over a court case, but they
should also be considered before you go shooting your lying fat mouth
of about another man's (or woman's) reputation. If you don't have
the doubt minimized and/ or the circumstances identified, then leave
that out of your public rantings about a fella.
One last fact, “investigation” can
be used as a weapon. We have a president that demanded an
investigation into emails, birth certificates, Burisma and other
nonsense that clearly had no grounds. But he says “I don't know.
We should have an investigation.” He knows, but the investigation
is a way of dragging things on. In fact, this is tRumps primary
trick. “investigate the investigators” The hypocrisy of the party
who wanted him impeached for it now calling for it in these BS
cases.. Again, ahead of myself.
Let's talk about “sex”
When an act of sex goes down, there are
only two people who knows what happened. That even includes if there
are more than two people in the room. It is very much an act of
intimacy that occurs in the brain. And those two people only know the
physical truths of the moment. The both know the sights and and
sounds of the environment. They can say whether they saw the other
person undress or were undressed. Was it forceful or passionate or
somewhere in between. Were there weapons or other means of physical
intimidation? Were there sounds? Flirtations, screams, vocalized
“no!” There are facts that if there was a recording device it
would have captured.
However, both people are living in
their own minds and can not read the others. Just like two people
can watch a political speech and “feel” two completely different
realities, so it is with a sexual experience. Worse, a person having
a pleasant experience but then gets “caught” can have a vivd
change in how they remember the incident. This becomes even more so
in cases where there was absolutely no sexual interaction, just a
perceived “feeling” of sexually related awkwardness. There is no
way to tell the intent of the purveyor of this “awkward”
behavior. In fact, if you are a follower of Freud, the truth is that
the person who felt irrationally “uncomfortable” probably has a
repressed incident of actual sexual assault in their history. Freud
called this “projection” in which you project feelings onto the
wrong person. Often it refers to truths about oneself that one
doesn't want to believe or admit to, so they accuse others. But in
the “repressed memory” studies, it has been learned that some
people, especially children, project previous abuse onto somebody
they feel would be less of a threat to report. It is done
subconsciously. That means the person actually believes the false
Another possibility for the “awkward
feeling” is not so much “projection” as it is phobic reaction.
This was highlighted to me when Dr. Decker (my High School Physics
teacher) boiled water in a Bell Jar and asked students to put their
finger in the steamy glass of boiling water. Nobody would... Well
except me. I reasoned he wouldn't let me hurt myself. It was room
temperature. But the rest of the class judged only with their eyes
and did not consider the context. The bubbles and steam primed them
to not trust a high school teacher. (He was wearing an oven mitt for
effect. ) So a person who has been assaulted before may see some
likeness to the situation they are in, and are primed to feel
“uncomfortable”. A single socially uncommon behavior and a
person not in the know, can trigger this defense mechanism. They may
never know unless the person says something to them. If this
triggers a feeling of even close to sexual connotation in the “me
too” environment and everybody is equating him to the Boston
The 800 Pound Politicians:
So let us talk about the two
politicians that inspired this long post. Including the dishonorable
and deplorable accusations being flung around the internet like the
shit of ignorant monkeys in a zoo. Equating them is like equating US
WWII soldiers with Nazis, saying “well they both killed people”.
Or Speeding ticket to murder by saying “Well they both committed
It will be easier to outline Joe Biden
First. Easier because he didn't do anything to deserves this monkey
dung being flung at him. I am just going to describe the accused
situations for him. If you want to know more, go look it up.
Hopefully get a full context of the account.
Account 1: He “smelled her hair”.
That is it. Something that he has done for many years. There is even
a collection on camera. This is something very parental.
Account 2: Rubbed noses. Though this
one is included, the accuser says, ““It wasn’t sexual.” Yet
it is reported as one of the seven. Why prime people with the
“sexual” connotations.
Account 3: “Biden rested his hand on
her shoulder, and then started to move it down her back.” Again,
not a single act that could be seen as “Sexual”.
Account 4: Biden hugged her “just a
little bit too long” and laid his hand on her thigh. Did she give
him a time limit on the hug? She didn't report what that time frame
was. Maybe we need to have this taught to us in school and keep stop
watches on us?
Account 5: Biden squeezed her
shoulders, complimented her smile, and held her “for a beat too
long.” So at least she give a time for the length kind of. A
“beat”. How many beats should it be? My beats or the person I am
hugging? She went on to say that “her initial reaction was to
shrug it off. But she told the Post she now feels the alleged
incident was inappropriate” A woman who is literally profiting off
of the “me too” movement. What better champion that one who can
say she can relate.
Account 6: photographed holding hands
and touching foreheads with Biden at the Oscars. The Post first ran
the story calling it a “powerful moment” in a very positive way.
Not a word about it to anybody until the post reached out to her
AFTER the video went viral. Then all the sudden she was,
“uncomfortable”. GTFOOH
Account 7: (This one I will put a
little time into as it is the only one that NOW has a seal element and is the most focused on now.) “put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger
up my neck”. “responsibilities at work were reduced after she
refused to serve drinks at an event a task she BELIEVES she was
assigned because Biden liked her legs.” So she believes she was
limited and now all the sudden it is because of Biden? That ain't
flying in court. Where is your proof?” she didn’t feel
sexualized by the way she’d been treated, instead saying she felt
ornamental, like a lamp. Then in March of this year, after it was
evident her favored candidate would lose to Biden, her “memory”
and account changed. Then, Account 7, after advocating both for
Bernie Sanders vocally as well as Vladimir Putin, she up the
allegation from an account of inappropriate touching to sexual
assault. She named 5 people who she told, 3 didn't remember, 1 said
she mentioned it in passing without details, and the last said she
never mentioned the assault part.
However Account 7 fits squarely in the
NIML's description of why false accounts are made. She was spited for
being let go, she first claimed she left DC to pursue an “acting
career”, never once filed a report until she was looking to make a
name for herself. No other accounts corroborate such behavior
Every bit of this is BS. There is not
one single act of sexual intended behaviors above. Just a bunch of
women in the pool of politics that “Believe” stuff.
Circumstantial Evidence.. Or Lack There
Here is the problem with accusing Joe
of any sexual impropriety, there is no supporting evidence. None,
zero. Zip. There is no reports of he being friends with pedophiles.
There is not reports of him even being at parties where there are
hookers, let alone hiring one. There are no reports of him making
any kind of sexual advance. No text messages, no notes, not filed
complaints at work place. Nothing. There is no reports from his
children or his wives that he ever cheated on them. He was with his
first wife until she dies in a car accident.
Joe Biden married Neilia Hunter in 1966, and they had two sons and a daughter (Naomi Christina). In December 1972, while Joe Biden was Senator-elect, Neilia and Naomi were killed in a traffic crash which injured the two sons, who recovered from their injuries. Joe Biden married his second wife, Jill, in 1977, and together they had a daughter, Ashley. In May 2015, his son Beau died of brain cancer
You assholes who keep spewing shit out
your mouth about this guy as if he is some kind of sexual predator
are pathetic. I am sorry if you he didn't grow up the exact same way
you need to make yourself “feel” comfortable.
Now Let's Talk About the Other Shit Flinging Gorilla:
I couldn't possibly go through all the
allegations and confirmation against Donald Trump. I will just hit
the highlights. While Biden's accusers most harsh characterization of
his actions is “inappropriate touching”, Trump's are listed as
“sexual misconduct”. And yet there are people out there with no
honor, only disgusting motives of spite cause their candidate lost or
a general paranoia that keep putting the two in the same camp to feed
some sort of perverted agenda.
Jessica Leeds- He groped her up her
skirt on an air flight. Trump didn't deny that he would do something
like that, but that she was too ugly for him.
Ivanka Trump - in a sworn deposition
“raping her in a fit of rage in 1989 “. “Tearing her clothes
and yanking out a chunk of her hair. “Trump's lawyer, Michael
Cohen, argued in 2015 that his client could not have raped Ivana
because "you cannot rape your spouse."
Kristin Anderson- “Trump reached
under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear .”
"Okay, Donald is gross. We all know he's gross. Let's just move
Jill Harth- “Trump pushed her against a wall, put his hand up her skirt, and tried to kiss her. He was relentless," “Harth sued Trump in 1997 for sexual harassment.” “Trump settled with Houraney, and as a condition of the settlement, Harth withdrew her case.”
Karena Virginia - Trump groped her as she waited for her car outside the US Open she “overheard Trump talking with a group of men about her legs and that Trump then approached her, grabbed her arm, and touched her breast before asking, "Don't you know who I am?"
Natasha Stoynoff "We walked into
that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around,
and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his
tongue down my throat,"
Summer Zervos - "He then grabbed
my shoulder and began kissing me again very aggressively and placed
his hand on my breast," “Zervos sued Trump for defamation
after he accused her of lying about the allegations. Trump's
attorneys have moved to dismiss the case, arguing that, as president,
he can't be sued in state court..”
Katie Johnson- named Trump and
billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them
of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the
Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was
just 13 years old). “This week she abruptly canceled a plan to
speak publicly about the allegations, and another attorney, Lisa
Bloom, cited “numerous threats” against her client.”
That is just a sample of the
accusations that rise way above the level of anything Joe has been
accused of.
Hardly Circumstantial Against Trump:
Freud Again:
We will start out with The harder one.
One sure sign of guilt, one that we see daily out of tRump now, is
accusing others of doing the bad things he has done. So it was when
he took out 4 full page ads against the Central Park 5. Accusing
them of rape and calling for their punishment. THAT is a sociopath
crying out for somebody to stop him. At that same moment he was
raping 13 yr olds.
Consistency In Accusations:
The same repeated accusations over and over and over explaining the forcible kissing, the grabbing by the pussy, the proclaiming who he is gives him the right. These stories are repeated in different reports like a playbook. This is a technique of cops when interviewing multiple witnesses. They separate them, then they see which parts of the stories are repeated by different witnesses. These are classified as “credible reports.
Don't Take Their Word For It:
You don't have to take the words of
the women alone to prove the case. You have tRump, on multiple
occasions, admitting to the facts of the accusations. The “I have
to kiss them, I can't help myself.” “I knew she was married, but
I didn't care.” Or “They have to let me do it because of who I
am”. As well as, “I walk through the dressing rooms while they
are naked, I have to see the merchandise.” His utter lack of
acceptance or expressed sorrow is classic signs of guilt according to
Pamela Myers, the “lie Spotter”. Liars will distance themselves
from the lie, “I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman.”
So it is with the denials and forgetting who they are.
Poor Character Witness:
Since being president, we have learned
that his social circle included the world's most famous pedophile.
For whom Trump called “ Terrific guy” who “likes younger women
just like I do.” WE have learned that he had sex with a porn star
while his youngest son was at home only days old. The exact opposite
of being “parental”. We have learned he carried on a lengthy
affair with another porn star while married to current wife. He paid
her off, and then lied about it. His current wife is a victim of
“sex trafficking” as defined by the UN. He is a man who made his
career out of pedaling young girls and women in the form of “beauty
Let's get personal.
You see these as Equals?:
So if you can take these two people
and equate them? You are twisted, messed up in the head. Something
is wrong with you. I don't think I could trust somebody who sees
these two people the same. Why? Because I fear people with inadequate
critical thinking skills to delineate. How do I know that I won't be
the sources of your confusion. There is no doubt I am socially
awkward. At some point in time you are apt to misread my intentions
and transfer your own angst or frustration onto me. Then justify
some messed up response. My whole life people see me as being a drug
addict. They call me cave man in an attempt to diminish my
intelligence. It has cost me a lot to be me. The worst was losing
my daughter. The only excuse given we that I was considering home schooling and the judge found that more dangerous than my ex who had assaulted me in front of the police while drunk and high. Not a false memory is when the neighbor, (A good
wholesome church going lady) saw me walking my daughter. She thought
she was complimenting me when she said, “I would never have guessed
you would be such a great father.” Was I walked down the street
with my dog and baby in her papoose. I know what it means when people say those little mischaracterizations to tear somebody down just to make themselves feel better.
I see Me:
Here is the rest of the story about
my infatuation with the injustice that happened in the CP5 or Memphis
3 or Seven Avery cases.
I can see what happened to them, having happened to me at time. In
fact it almost has, and it still haunts my progress at work. Shoot
the Memphis 3? I could easily see something like that going down in low income housing development I hung out at back high school. Me, Potter, Helwig, or the like of us being the
focus of a small town witch hunt. We didn't go to that school that saw between two districts, nobody
knew us. We were often intoxicated. Those guys more than. Sitting
around listening to our “devil music”. We even had a couple of
mentally deficient friends that would have rolled like logs if they
were pressured. Just like all those stories of false accusations.
The point of all this.. is to say “fuck
off” projecting your sick twisted asses onto me. I am not you. I
do things differently. It creeps people out at times I am sure of
it. But that is no reason to equate me to some kind of heinous
deviant that most of you all must be harboring deep down in your
subconscious icebergs. The same is true with your accepting the weak
assed case against Joe Biden as if it is gospel. Ain't no way that
if you were in Joe's shoes (and believe me, everybody who has been
didn't think it could happen to them either) you would be angry with
the elaboration of the situation to be equal to the scumbag in chief.
The Word “Uncomfortable”:
I have recently become far too
familiar with this word “uncomfortable”. I have been having
issues for about a year with my daughter. Just pulling away. There
is a bevy of issues, both physical and emotional that could be at the
root of this. She is just entering teen years. Lots of changes out
of her control. The issues have lead to her not wanting to be around
me or anyone form this side of her world. Pushing back I got from
her mother that she said she was “uncomfortable at my house”.
That sent up alarms in emergency fashion. I know what the word
“uncomfortable” can mean in the minds of complete morons with an
agenda. I never heard it, might have been that my ex planted the
word in her head. There is evidence something had been planted. She
accused me of “not being there”, which makes no sense. Those that
know me know my entire life, every decision starts out with “How
will this effect my daughter.” I have never missed a weekend, and
just before all this had negotiated to having her come around more
often. Talking to a counselor myself, she was taken back by the fact
she was treating another girl who said the exact same words almost
verbatim and from my daughters school. False memories? Very much.
The source I don't know. I asked the ex “what does she mean by
that.” To which my ex didn't see fit to press my daughter on this.
Sadly, she won't talk about the statement to me. So on to counseling
it has been. STILL no answer on what that was about. I have come to
know that word has seedy underhanded connotations that allow the
person who says it to get attention in today's society. They can
test the waters without actually committing making a full blown
accusation that will have to be defended. They are being conditioned
in school today that “nobody can question your feelings”. Which
is fine, unless those “feelings” are meant to manipulate slowly
an opinion by first painting a backdrop of suspicion around somebody
and then letting people see what they want to see.
You Don't Know Me, You Don't Know Joe:
So yeah, Joe Biden. I don't know who
he is as a man. If you are reading this, neither do you. Seems
straight up. I don't like many liberal democratic policies. But
there hasn't been a conservative who represented my views, probably
since Ross Perot. What I do know about his personal life is that he
is a man who never got suspected of cheating on his wife, never a
single accusation of hookers or sexual impropriety. Integrity.
Honesty. Strong work ethics. Shows up to work even on the hard days.
Has kids he cares about, even one that has some issue. That kid
watched his mother and sister die in the car accident he survived.
Nobody ever said he didn't keep his promises. So you can hate him
for his policy beliefs. (I do, but we have bigger dragons to slay.)
You can disagree how far left or moderate he should be on the
campaign trail. But you can't compare him to that criminal that
resides in the White House. That asshole should be in jail for
numerous things, rape is not the least of them. Instead “we the
people” elected him and look past his blatant vial behavior and
even equate it to honest men. Joe was vice president of the US. You
don't think if he was that kind of degenerate he wouldn't have used
his power to get his jolly's? He didn't. So just freaking stop it.
Or move along.