Lets talk about what the “top 1%” means. First, I would like to say that wage and wealth disparity is a problem that stands in the way of maximizing happiness and the promises of that “American dream”. HOWEVER.... Like climate change, the democrats have identify the problem accurately. What they have failed is the Mencken Principal. This states that “There Is Always a Well-Known Solution to Every Human Problem—Neat, Plausible, and Wrong.” This happens when you base of support are young, inexperienced and/ or uneducated. Where Critical forward thinking, is found in being able to think of a problem as it was created 5 or 6 moves back. That requires having lived the past to remember it. Because "those who don't remember the past..." So, solving wage disparity is not going to happen using the “well known” solution of “Robbin hood” approach. As I often said to my daughter in her youth, “life just doesn't work that way.” Sadly the answer to how to fix it.. is a book I have been working on for over 15 years. But we are here to talk about the “wrong” solutions of Bernie Sanders (I am going to shorten it to BS for the rest of the piece.) ideologues. Sadly the “other white meat” is the republicans who either ignore, deny, or just flat out are too stupid to identify, the actual cause of a social problem. Ahh, welcome to democracy, ignorance is on the left and plain stupidity is on the right. And BS is leading the charge on the left.
So let us tackle the meaning of “top 1 %”. They don't mean the top 1% of the population. That is not what BS means. He means the to tax the 1% of wage earners. In 2018 there were 167,669,326 wage earning households. So 1% is 1,676,693 households. Easy math. You will need $513,000 annual income to belong to that that select group. A look around the country and you find the the top 1% live in places where they have to make a ridiculous amount of money to live. Soother California, New York and the New England coast, Southern Florida, and for some reason Colorado. In my hood. If you pay more than $120k for a house, your are probably doing well in life. $250K is for the most wealthy and rare. More than that, and people know who you are. Groceries, fuel, textiles, everything is way cheaper than those places where the 1% congregate to make business. Making $250K a year here is loosely equivalent to making $500Kin those places. And yet he is not talking about taxing the people making $250K but live in my hood.
The median price for a house in LA county was $625,000! For those who are not skilled in math, the “median” means take half the number of houses, and they make up the bottom half. Take the other half and they make up the top. In an average city, there are far more low end houses than mansions. That means these people who have gained prestige and affluence, are not buying $625K homes. They are not going to college for 12 years to be a specialist in the "add-a-dictomy" surgery to live next to Bob the Builder. If you have to pay a million dollars to buy a home equivalent to a McMansion in the rust belt that would cost $250K, you are not judging people on equal ground. THAT is the delusions of BS. In a fit of irony, many of BS's defenders are wrestling with that now that BS is part of the 1%, he is telling them he is still one of them. . Ask him, he will tell you he still “Feels” middle class. AND if he has his 3 homes on the East Coast, he very well may be.
So BS wants to tax the 1,676,693 (including BS himself) for a $40 trillion dollar over 10 year (Longer than BS will probably be alive) period. That means (while ignoring our growing deficit) the 1% must provide $4 trillion a year. So while $2385 doesn't seem like much when you hear the person makes $500K a year.. it is BS when put in context. Now, of 1,676,693 only 80,000 of them earned more than a million. Of the rest, not everybody who made that kind of money one year, did the next. Think of an average pro athlete. There income is short lived and they are now suing to make up for the bills that playing their sport cost them. So yes, being a top 1% wage earner shouldn't mean that you are still struggling.. but reality really is a painful thing when you live on huffing unicorn farts, and pooping rainbows. In many cases, there are people who have a more comfortable life making 1/4 that but living in places where the blue collar dream is still possible. And most of the poorer people do have healthcare.
The democrats are amazed when their solution of taking something from people who have insurance, have made choices in life that lead them to be in the situation they are in undesirable. Then you are giving it to people who have made bad decisions and/ or evolution didn't shine the light of luck on them. Unless we are going to exclude people who just made bad choices and want us to pay for those choices. Then we can cut that $40 trillion in half. But other than that, you are just steeling from those whose success rest on the back of somebody who worked and sacrificed or got really lucky, and giving it to those who make bad life choices. THAT will not solve the BS problems that have been highlighted. I wish it was that easy, but “life don't work that way.” I would like to add that all this cry for healthcare, you would think that we are a nation that doesn't have it. 91% of Americans had healthcare at some point in 2017. The entire $40 trillion epic cost to our children's future is to cater to 10%. Many who could, but refuse to get insurance. That is not socialism, that is just plain theft.
That is the “enabling” side of the policy equation. Reminding those at this point that every economic problem is at the mercy of the “supply and demand” formula. A formula in which demand is made up of those “willing AND able” (not willing OR able) to pay for a good or service. Everybody is willing to seek medical attention for every thing big and small that comes into their head, however not everybody is "Able" at this point. Supply is made up on the availability of the materials and skilled labor to provide for the demand. With the increase in demand, with no increase in supply means that the value will go up. And the BS plan is insanely based upon the notion that the equilibrium price (the price where supply curve crosses the demand curve for the short version of the discussion.) will never suffer the market forces he plans on creating.
Let's imagine you get your magic “Medicare for all” card. Your first thought of course is, “I am going to go to the doctors and score some pot!” Here is the problem with this BS plan, and the source of the problem in the US in it's current state. There is a shortage of medical personnel in the US. Not in the least, doctors. That is right now, before any implementation of the BS plan. Plus the increase in people buying pot, will drive the value of it up and bring the drug cartels from south of the border back into the market. Way to go BS plan, create more refugees.
Doctors are hardly the ONLY part of your medical treatment supply chain. Unless you are just looking to score some BS weed, you need nurse, x-ray techs, medical coders, medical records assistants, lab techs, pharmacist, and soo much more. Then there is the US government regulators who make sure doctors aren't handing out opiods like candy. Then there are the courts to prosecute those who do. A boost on 8% would have such a profound effect on the medical system that it would make the VA administration problems look look minor. The reasons for this are complex and seem implausible, but they are right.
Just like every other problem in this country. If we had politicians who were honest about the effects of population growth and talked about real solutions. Solutions like letting bears lose in our cities. Hungry ones. The politicians that looked at a person and said, “you were dealt a bad hand and/ or made some bad mistakes. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you. Then maybe the country can meet you half way.” Because the truth is that driving 100 mph, down the freeway jamming a “big whop” in your face with fries and a diet soda, while itching your penis that used to be a vagina, but you didn't like that as if it were an “option”, and leaking silicone from your boob implants, while drunk and high on your medical prescribed pot, headed to the store to buy a gun to do god knows what with.. Demanding that people who played the game right pay for your healthcare when you don't give two shits about it yourself.. That is a BS plan. Give me the lunatic that is predictable. So far he hasn't ruined the economy and he hasn't gotten us into war. About all you can ask for of a president these days.
So let us tackle the meaning of “top 1 %”. They don't mean the top 1% of the population. That is not what BS means. He means the to tax the 1% of wage earners. In 2018 there were 167,669,326 wage earning households. So 1% is 1,676,693 households. Easy math. You will need $513,000 annual income to belong to that that select group. A look around the country and you find the the top 1% live in places where they have to make a ridiculous amount of money to live. Soother California, New York and the New England coast, Southern Florida, and for some reason Colorado. In my hood. If you pay more than $120k for a house, your are probably doing well in life. $250K is for the most wealthy and rare. More than that, and people know who you are. Groceries, fuel, textiles, everything is way cheaper than those places where the 1% congregate to make business. Making $250K a year here is loosely equivalent to making $500Kin those places. And yet he is not talking about taxing the people making $250K but live in my hood.
The median price for a house in LA county was $625,000! For those who are not skilled in math, the “median” means take half the number of houses, and they make up the bottom half. Take the other half and they make up the top. In an average city, there are far more low end houses than mansions. That means these people who have gained prestige and affluence, are not buying $625K homes. They are not going to college for 12 years to be a specialist in the "add-a-dictomy" surgery to live next to Bob the Builder. If you have to pay a million dollars to buy a home equivalent to a McMansion in the rust belt that would cost $250K, you are not judging people on equal ground. THAT is the delusions of BS. In a fit of irony, many of BS's defenders are wrestling with that now that BS is part of the 1%, he is telling them he is still one of them. . Ask him, he will tell you he still “Feels” middle class. AND if he has his 3 homes on the East Coast, he very well may be.
So BS wants to tax the 1,676,693 (including BS himself) for a $40 trillion dollar over 10 year (Longer than BS will probably be alive) period. That means (while ignoring our growing deficit) the 1% must provide $4 trillion a year. So while $2385 doesn't seem like much when you hear the person makes $500K a year.. it is BS when put in context. Now, of 1,676,693 only 80,000 of them earned more than a million. Of the rest, not everybody who made that kind of money one year, did the next. Think of an average pro athlete. There income is short lived and they are now suing to make up for the bills that playing their sport cost them. So yes, being a top 1% wage earner shouldn't mean that you are still struggling.. but reality really is a painful thing when you live on huffing unicorn farts, and pooping rainbows. In many cases, there are people who have a more comfortable life making 1/4 that but living in places where the blue collar dream is still possible. And most of the poorer people do have healthcare.
The democrats are amazed when their solution of taking something from people who have insurance, have made choices in life that lead them to be in the situation they are in undesirable. Then you are giving it to people who have made bad decisions and/ or evolution didn't shine the light of luck on them. Unless we are going to exclude people who just made bad choices and want us to pay for those choices. Then we can cut that $40 trillion in half. But other than that, you are just steeling from those whose success rest on the back of somebody who worked and sacrificed or got really lucky, and giving it to those who make bad life choices. THAT will not solve the BS problems that have been highlighted. I wish it was that easy, but “life don't work that way.” I would like to add that all this cry for healthcare, you would think that we are a nation that doesn't have it. 91% of Americans had healthcare at some point in 2017. The entire $40 trillion epic cost to our children's future is to cater to 10%. Many who could, but refuse to get insurance. That is not socialism, that is just plain theft.
That is the “enabling” side of the policy equation. Reminding those at this point that every economic problem is at the mercy of the “supply and demand” formula. A formula in which demand is made up of those “willing AND able” (not willing OR able) to pay for a good or service. Everybody is willing to seek medical attention for every thing big and small that comes into their head, however not everybody is "Able" at this point. Supply is made up on the availability of the materials and skilled labor to provide for the demand. With the increase in demand, with no increase in supply means that the value will go up. And the BS plan is insanely based upon the notion that the equilibrium price (the price where supply curve crosses the demand curve for the short version of the discussion.) will never suffer the market forces he plans on creating.
Let's imagine you get your magic “Medicare for all” card. Your first thought of course is, “I am going to go to the doctors and score some pot!” Here is the problem with this BS plan, and the source of the problem in the US in it's current state. There is a shortage of medical personnel in the US. Not in the least, doctors. That is right now, before any implementation of the BS plan. Plus the increase in people buying pot, will drive the value of it up and bring the drug cartels from south of the border back into the market. Way to go BS plan, create more refugees.
“The United States will see a shortage of up to nearly 122,000 physicians by 2032 as demand for physicians continues to grow faster than supply, according to new data published today by the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges).”
Doctors are hardly the ONLY part of your medical treatment supply chain. Unless you are just looking to score some BS weed, you need nurse, x-ray techs, medical coders, medical records assistants, lab techs, pharmacist, and soo much more. Then there is the US government regulators who make sure doctors aren't handing out opiods like candy. Then there are the courts to prosecute those who do. A boost on 8% would have such a profound effect on the medical system that it would make the VA administration problems look look minor. The reasons for this are complex and seem implausible, but they are right.
Just like every other problem in this country. If we had politicians who were honest about the effects of population growth and talked about real solutions. Solutions like letting bears lose in our cities. Hungry ones. The politicians that looked at a person and said, “you were dealt a bad hand and/ or made some bad mistakes. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for you. Then maybe the country can meet you half way.” Because the truth is that driving 100 mph, down the freeway jamming a “big whop” in your face with fries and a diet soda, while itching your penis that used to be a vagina, but you didn't like that as if it were an “option”, and leaking silicone from your boob implants, while drunk and high on your medical prescribed pot, headed to the store to buy a gun to do god knows what with.. Demanding that people who played the game right pay for your healthcare when you don't give two shits about it yourself.. That is a BS plan. Give me the lunatic that is predictable. So far he hasn't ruined the economy and he hasn't gotten us into war. About all you can ask for of a president these days.