Vote for Death in 2020: It's our only hope.

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This is a short piece relative,  Really just sub post on the grander idea of population growth and climate change. It is meant to be slightly tongue in cheek.  BUT the assertions are valid.

Don't fear Juan, fear Won: 

Today's PSA: While you are worried about the "Mexicans" of today, in just 116 years, at a population growth rate of .6%, China's 1.4 billion people will be 2.8 billion. They should reach the 2 billion by the 100 year mark. This is using the "doubling factor" of Log2/ %growth rate to establish the "doubling time.  

  But the Chinese are not just growing, taller, but wider as well.  Meaning they they are moving towards a more industrial and energy consuming society.  Their hunger for energy is far outpacing their growth in "green technology".  "China's carbon emissions are on track to rise at their fastest pace in 7 years." (AKA as the 2nd year of the Obama Administration.)  And they are just starting to industrialize. As they modernize and want all the things that capitalism brings, it isn't just their numbers that is increasing, but their "per person carbon foot print".

Not Down with AOC or her stupid "deal". 
     There is no "Green New Deal" that is going to accommodate for the growth that is coming our way. Not in China, Not in India, not anywhere that industrialization and the wants and desires of the "evils bargain" that is known as capitalism is taking root.   We can never get to 0. That is just not feasible without dystopian world type governance.  It would have to be a "Hunger Game" environment where the government controlled who got to have technology.  even if we oppressed the rest of the world to be exactly what they are no. No more players in the modernized civilized technologically advanced society, just US western culture claiming we want those other societies to be, so to prove it we bomb them back to the stone age. Even if we did that, the growth rate in the western cultures is still .7% .  That means in 100 years we will double the number of polluters.  So even if we halfed our consumption and pollution rates, in 100 years we wold be right back here and out of ideas. 
 The Democrats and AOC's  deal of tying climate change to encouraging more population growth through health and well being is a contradiction You can't make the world better by making the human race more productive.  It just doesn't work that way.  We can't live longer, eat healthier, get educated so our parents can work more and earn more and buy more useless shit. We can't aid more single mother letting the rest of the monkeys know that they don't have to be anxious about making that mistake.  Everything that is good for the hear and now, id bad for our future children and grand children. 

 So You Want To Be "Pro Choice" do yah? 

    Only the reduction of humans through negative population growth will stave off that which is otherwise inevitable. Dingbats like "AOC" and even the well meaning but outdated thinking of Bernie Sanders is not going to fix this problem.
    Sadly our "choices" are bad and worse.  (Let us start with the "worse"... to be different. We are in need of change around here.)  Our worst choices, however most quick and efficient, are pretty cruel.  We can have more conventional wars.  They can't heat up the globe with their side effects. We can end programs to improve health and stop curing diseases.  CRSPR is the most dangerous biological threat to the human race, because it can save so many of them that we now lose.   We also have to stop putting warnings "do not eat while plugged in during your shower" warnings on the hair dryers.  We need to just let the nature of stupidity run its course.  While I hold a personal disdain for guns, and advocate the complete elimination in the human race, the truth is we need more guns and gun violence.  42,000 people died from gun violence last year, we could stand to double that number.  We also need more drug overdoses.  Now one might think taking Narcan off the street would promote a decrease in overdose deaths, but studies are showing that what happens is that as using heroin gets more safe, more people do it, and it is leading to a greater overall deaths even though the deaths per usage is down. WE don't want to build walls! That is dumb.  We need more illegal immigrants killing (but not raping). Othher less effective ideas that we can utilize is forced sterilization, more car accidents with decreased safety features, promote smoking and drinking during the teen years, and for gods sakes, increase the bear population.Bears used to have this problem nipped in the bud before we came up with automobiles to outrun them.  

    Because without these proactive direct methods, we are going to have to convince people to stop fucking. In the past 100 years we went from just 3% of the women and 6% of the men (if you believe their stories) were not virgins when they got married, to today where it is 95% on both accounts. Clearly the introduction of false protections has lead them to thinking they are OK to have  sex without much worry. Women (and men of the concerned type) think that they will later just "end it" if something happens.  Dude lie saying they will pull out,  and they don't.  Then in greater numbers women then realize they don't want to. 75% of children born to women under the age of 30 are into single parent homes. Condoms, pills, IUD (Or is it IED, I get them confused), and abortion has been around for.. like ever, and the problem of population growth has gotten worse.. BECAUSE feeling safe and the knowledge that the government will take care of them and watch them at "school" while you work or go out parting hand get pregnant again, has lead more people to take the risk and then opt to have the kids. So that sure as hell ain't working.  It is up to the bears and natural human stupidity to get us out of this mess. 

Cold Hard Truth
  Because if we don't address this problem, make the hard choices, there will not BE a human race. The false belief that we deserve a "choice" today is robbing humanity of the choice to exist in just 100 years is a malice unnecessary tragedy.  (For Darwin's sakes the Dinosaurs lasted over 100 million and we haven't barely surpassed the 100,000 year mark!! they were cruel and and brains slightly bigger than Donald Trumps. and they had bigger hands. ) Stephen Hawking gave up on the belief that we would be able to choose to fix this problem and instead predicted something mind blowingly impossible, that we find and populate another planet and in the course of 100 years.  The nearest prospect is over 100 years away.  
Who who is going to vote for the candidate that promises more war, disease, and deaths by wild animals?
China to increase carbon footprint fastest pace in 7 years
