Demystifying and Disarming NPR’s Passive-Aggressive Reporting
I used to be such an advocate,
believer, and appreciator of National Public Radio. I don’t know
whether it was me, NPR, or (as I suspect) a combination of both has
changed over the past decade. I have become aware of how their soft
spoken, passive-aggressive , forceful manipulation of social issues
has become more than just socially irresponsible, but even dangerous.
I wrote in the past their technique of presenting “behaviors” as
if they are biologically the same as skin color or disabilities and
use pseudoscience to affirm their inaccurate assertions. For
example, “Abortion” is presented as a natural biological process,
like nothing can be done about it, and thus a “right”. They
refuse to consider that the behavior of becoming pregnant with a
child you don’t want is completely avoidable and the consequences
is the result of behavior that should be condemned, not rectified.
NPR, is a publicly funded (though very little public funds these
days) entity that should not have a bias away from facts and science.
And while the public funds are, today, a small amount of the budget,
NPR does not exist today if it were not “built” by the people in
its infancy. Much like liberals would say about a corporation, “you
didn’t build it on your own.” So they have a responsibility to
represent the entire public. Which is why I was so moved to
lividness when I heard not one, but a few trending stories lately.
The push to make pedophilia accepted as something that is “not in
the control of the perpetrator” and even as if they are “sufferers”
of an affliction. I know this is a huge “charge” and I had
better be able to back it up.
Lacking any sense of commitment and
no longer “baffled” by their technique, I listen to NPR with the
same air of skepticism as I do FOX. Most people listen to a news
report expecting to be informed by an authority on facts, but when
you know to look for it, you can easily spot when you are being
pushed an agenda and sold opinions as facts. In the past, social
issues that are far from harmless, but open to debate amongst adults.
Legalization of pot, drone strikes, global climate change,
governmental condoning of sex for pleasure, illegal immigration, and
poverty are some of these issues. But when they turned their agenda
towards accepting pedophilia as a behavior deserving compassion I
lost it.
A Quick Overview of Psychology of
The psychology goes like this, the
first time you hear or witness something shocking, it is scary,
causes reason to divert attention, and you far more clearly
understand the dangers. The more you experience an idea, the more
you experience “extinction” and the less aware of the negative
effect you become. Some things this is good. For example, growing
up in an entirely white town and area of the country, up until I got
into high school, the only dark skinned people I knew were on TV. So
my image was skewed and biased towards the negative traits of “black
people”. The more I got to know more people of different colored
skins, the more I realized that we were not too different. My fear
and bias disappeared.
Cognitive dissonance cannot be
overcome by shoving a complete opposing idea down the throat of a
person who holds a completely differ belief. It is even harder when
the idea you are trying to indoctrinate them with is not founded in
reality or something concrete that cannot be denied. They will shut
down, withdraw, and your message might as well be told “to a wall”.
What pretty much has to be done is finding similarities to the
person you are trying to convince and the perception you are trying
to convince them of. If they see these similarities, they will be
shown to be a hypocrite. So they will desire to adjust their belief
system. Then manipulate those likenesses softly until they can
accept the new reality. Marketing to adults is based upon this. This
is why products are always compared to “the leading brand”.
This is the approach every politician uses to convince you that he is
“just like you” while the other guy is “one of them”. If you
can relate to some things that are the same, you can accept that
there are differences. (Deeper than this post is the threat analysis
mechanisms in the psyche that have to be rectified with new
To be noted, this is a tool of our
psyche, it is neither a good nor bad trait. For example, meeting
people who say, “I love you” to their family members might be
strange to those who didn’t grow up with it, but it is a good
thing. It is a trait you want to pass down to your children.
However, the Cleveland 3 girls that were kidnapped and raped every
day of their lives, accepted this as a reality, and became accustomed
to it. But this is not something they would want to pass down to
their children as normal.
NPR: National Pedophilia Radio
As I am driving home the a few nights
back, I was paralyzed with jaw dropped and locked as I hear an NPR
program (that I care not to advertise for) doing a story on a movie
festival award winning (I think documentary) about a dude who
“Struggles with wanting to have sex with children”. The show was
“This American Life”, but I will not link to it here. I refuse
to give it credence. The subject of the movie claims he has never
acted on his addiction. The reality is that in most cases, If he had
done such a socially rejected offense, he wouldn't be able to admit
it to himself. “Everybody in jail is innocent”. What incentive
has he to admit that he did? He would have repressed it. But, let
us give him the benefit of the doubt. The benefit that this dude
“Adam” had not (yet) acted upon his impulse was the assertion.
The story was focused on how great it was that he was getting help.
During the entire story, even the therapist they described going to,
not a single person pointed out the obvious. That tis dude, as some
very young age, had been molested. That was the problem here.
Through all the sappy music and empathetic silences, it wasn't
mentioned even once as the result as this kid’s current state was
the result of this egregious act being performed upon him. But that
would have sent a contradictory message. What if his offender we
also “suffering” from the pedophilia affliction? And NPR’s
logic would come crashing down. In fact their logic and narrative
about abortion, homosexuality, obesity, drug addiction would have all
come crashing down. Since the liberal narrative is that somehow these
afflictions are genetic and there is nothing that the people who have
these feelings can do about them.
Being pretty busy these days with
some personal, physical type projects going on, I didn’t have time
to write this right away. The very next day, on the way home, I was
again listening to NPR. And there again was another story. Another
justification of pedophilia!! This was about men, who as kids, were
deemed “sex offenders”. They were now adults and complaining
that they hadn’t did anything of the sort since they were under 18.
Guess what? Most people have never done it at all. This is life,
sometimes we do things as kids that effect our whole lives. Would
you say this if they had murdered somebody in cold blood? If the kid
wants a place to “blame” look to his parents. They obviously
didn’t instruct you better. But study after study shows the
disadvantages that are caused to children who are sexually assaulted
at teen and pre-teen ages. Where is the story of the person that
these kids assaulted? The depression, anxiety, the problems with
relationships, the acts of disruptive behavior that is caused by the
trauma this poor “victimized pedophile” caused? That is a life
sentence for many of them. There is a case to be made that they would
have been better off if you murdered them, at least the pain and
suffering would have ended.
The Process Of Normalization
So if we could go back just 20 or 30
years, our ideals about drugs, sex and violence were much more
stringent. The question is, “why”? Too many people will blame
religion. The truth is religion is created from truths. It is often
created to answer hard question in a simplistic and irrational way.
It is hard to explain, even today with our advanced knowledge, the
way “social environment” affects each and every one of us. What
I will post is how Empathy is our strongest manipulation tool. If we
can make ourselves seem the victims, we can get more people to
believe our plight and protect our actions than if we are say,
bragging. (Humble bragging is the least effective.) We, as a race are
predisposed to follow “The golden Rule”. We can admit that there
are behaviors that deserve ridicule of the society. As a general
rule, society chastise behaviors that can cost the “Tribe”
resources unequally and based on one’s own selfish desires. Sex
when you can’t take care of offspring or it causes disease to
spread is one. Drugs, as they cause people to be unproductive,
distracted, and irresponsible with their energy. Violence, as it can
rob the tribe of a needed member and cause waves of unrest. All of
them are a sign of an emotionally disturbed member of the group.
Because we live in such an artificial environment, that can’t be
sustained, we don’t feel the direct effects of bad behaviors. That
is where the danger lies.
First, somebody being shunned or
punished for bad behavior is seen by others who don’t know the
story as being “victimized”. The next phase is a group of people
who have been shunned for the same bad behavior form a minority. Now
this minority group is being victimized and they are larger and more
vocal. They get supporters. This causes some to overreact and worse,
people who don’t understand why the behavior is damaging to society
start using irrational arguments. When religion is used to
invalidate a bad behavior, with the discrediting of the religion (or
some traditional philosophy), it becomes “credit” for the case to
accept the bad behavior as “normal”. It shouldn’t, both are
invalid premises, but it does. Often times they will break apart the
bigger social dysfunction and say, Well this type of violation is
different than that type. People often don’t realize they are on a
slippery slope until they are sliding down the hill. “And it is in
such twilight that we all must be most aware of change in the air –
however slight – lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness.”
― William O. Douglas
Pedophilia is part of the
dysfunction caused by a society addicted to sex. Sex is the
cheapest, easiest, more accessible drug we have. But it is the most
devastating. Like food and water, we need to partake in it to
survive as a race. But the danger of addiction and all the unhealthy
and inhumane behaviors that come with it are always prevalent. How
long before we start letting sex offenders off because “they can’t
help themselves” . How long before the sexual abuser is on some
talk show telling the world how they can’t help themselves, that is
it “genetic” and we should feel pity for them.
If you are up for it, go seek out the
story of “Adam” who was addicted to child porn, and the story
they did about it on NPR. It made me sick to my stomach. The fact
that they could “humanize” these monsters. You might be the type
to think I am making much of this now, but look at how we thought
about sex drugs and violence in the past compared to now. Imaging if
we could remove “sex for pleasure” form our society as a “thought
experiment”. What problem would go away. Pedophilia would be one
of them.
A More Clearer Way Of Seeing It
So as a writer, story teller,
journalist, your first question when you decide to do a piece is,
“what is my purpose for doing this story. What is it that I want
people to “feel” differently about when I am finished telling it.
You never tell a story to leave people right where you found them.
Even if you are affirming something they already believe, you are
attempting to deeper entrench that belief. So what is it that you the
writer of this documentary and this NPR piece was trying to “change”
in you, the listener? The answer is they wanted you to “feel”
more empathetic towards child molesters. This is the same exact
approach they took for abortion, homosexuality, single motherhood,
pot, and illegal immigration. It starts out with, “hey these
people aren’t bad. Many of them are just like you, except this one
flaw.” Then they slowly tell more stories until the narrative
becomes, “ you are the bad bigot for chastising these people. There
are so many of them that it just has to be good and normal.”
Which, there are more of them because when people feel comfortable in
not to repress of their bad desires, they start to “come out”.
Other people with like desires start to associate and attach. This
is what is happening here.
*I decided to include the link. I don't see how people can really get a sense of how despicable this is without hearing the piece. What has this country become that we are on the path of cannibalizing even the youth in our thirst for lust.
Pedophiles are people too?