Being this a advocacy for political change blog, It is only fitting that I set some points for change that I would like to see us work towards in the coming years.
A Different Type Of Marriage Authorized
1) It is time to marry the ideas on the "Declaration of Independence" and the "Constitution". It is time to acknowledge that the document
that men looked at and agreed it was worth risking their lives for, the ones the soldiers of the revolution signed upon committing service, is just as
valid and important as the ones politicians in a time of slavery, sexism,
racism, and treating natives like animals crafted in a political environment with not much different than exist today and with less than half of the voices we
consider to be valid today. What that
means is the laws of nature (for which we have discovered much about since
1776) and “God” (for which we have found a lot of flaws in the idea since 1776)
should be reassessed and added to the constitution. The
line “Life, Liberty, and Happiness” should be seen as more than just ideas, but
considered the “mission statement”/ the “product” for which our legislators are
to be guided by. The statement “that all
men are created equal” doesn't mean that they remain that way. That this is an acknowledgement that we are
born “blank slates” and that the things both public and private influence the
behaviors of “men” between that birth and their death. By mentioning this in this context, it means
that the community/ government/ policy makers have an obligation to be vigilant
of those things that influence the people they become, to make sure they are
equally enlightened and therefore free. The point, in plain English, too many US
citizens are born into the inequality associated with poverty and other social
ills. Place of birth, method of education, and family environment are all means of creating inequality. An obvious understanding that Paris Hilton has a far great chance at success than a kid born to a crack addicted mother in the projects. These inequalities make it harder
to attain “life, Liberty, and happiness” for all.
Guns, Slaves, and Paranoia
2) It is time to throw out the 2nd amendment for the barbaric,
archaic and destructive piece of …… legislation that it is. As pointed out
above, we are only granted rights given by either nature or god that make us
equal. Since none of us are born with
guns, it is safe to assume neither nature nor god intended us to have them. They gave us a voice, so it seems freedom of
speech makes sense to some extent. Guns,
do not. There is nothing “god given” about a gun. The reason for the 2nd amendment was to that militias could chase slaves down and being them back to
slavery. We ended slavery because it was
ludicrous, might as well end the “enforcement” policy that enabled it. The Buddhist have a philosophy that states basically
that “if your mission is one of war, then bring tools of war and close your
mind to enemy assault. If your mission is one of peace, then bring tools of
peace and open your mind to compromise.” Since we have adopted the mission statement
of “domestic tranquility” it means that weapons and paranoia are wrong and even
adversarial tools for the goal. Time to start working them out of our society. Deaths, rapes, robbery, intimidation, suicide, and assaults are all negative results of our access to guns. The fact that we, not living in 1776, where a drive across a state line took days and had a risk of life and limb, anymore and the ability to get guns into a "gun free zone" is simpler than an Asian Carp getting into the Great Lakes. Time
to wage war on war.
Lawyers Validating Lawyers Is Like Liars Validating Liars
3) It is time to disband the Supreme Court. The idea of
lawyers reviewing the decision of other lawyers seems to be counterproductive. They
are going to come up with the most lawyerly decisions. Which, most of us understand means the
highest paid and most self-serving decision.
While separation of church and state is a good idea, and necessary for
common good, the combination of science and state is in the best interest of public
and future well-being. In its place, we
should establish a board of science and philosophy. One that addresses policy issues based not on
the outdated documents of centuries ago, but of one that considers the most up
to date understanding of what brings peace, life, health, and prosperity to the
community as a whole. Using the latest understanding of biology, sociology,
psychology, economics, ecology, diplomacy, and physics they access the logic
and reasoning behind the intent of each policy.
Individual rights are theirs and theirs alone so long as those rights
remain inside the house of the individual and those they are responsible for or
answerable to. When those behaviors
spill outside those walls, they must be considered for the full impact that
they example plays upon the community as a whole. If a policy is deemed to be supportive of
behavior that inhibits life, liberty, or happiness will gain no public
endorsement. In many cases, that doesn't
mean punishment or repercussions for it, just no endorsement. We understand that screaming “fire” in a
crowded theater takes away from liberty and happiness, so should other public proclamations
that are not scientifically sound. Enabling
or encouraging individuals to continue bad behaviors, is not in the best
interest of the community, certainly not openly. The staple of determining what is dysfunctional or bad behavior should be that if you wouldn't condone your
teenager to do it in front of you, then it is something that you know
internally that it is wrong. That sense of "right and wrong" is naturally instilled in most of us by nature or god. The science
and philosophy board is to apply the science to the mission statement on all
policies challenged. Lower courts are determined legality of issues.
I would say that
these are big enough for one year. We
will see how much headway we make on them by next New Year. The core of these “revolutions” are that we acknowledge
that it is no longer 1776 any longer.
That we no longer live on self-sustaining family farms and/ or small
communities. We no longer live mostly
silent, individual lives, where we were all stay at home parents, passing our
philosophy on next generation free from media, school, and ever changing peer
groups. That the effects uncovered by
Zimbardo in the “Stanford Prison Experiment” about “group think” has a much
more powerful role and influence than it did back then. The things we say and do in public have a
direct effect upon the children of other hard working parents. When we come to terms with the fact that we
now live in a global commune, we can start working to repair the damage denying
that reality has caused.