The Cowboy and The Missionary

An Indian kills a cowboy with a gun. It was unknown to which tribe the Indian belonged, why he did it, or where to find him. The cowboy’s brother straps on his guns then rides into the Indian camp he most despised. He starts out by shooting a few Indians at random. Then the brother then starts demanding everybody to obey his commands and give him all of their guns. The brother never leaves the camp alive. He is later found riddled with arrows and not one bullet wound. In accordance with the Indian tradition the cowboy brother’s family is later killed in retribution for the Indians killed during the assault on the camp. As you can see things are ripe for spiraling out of control.

An Indian kills a missionary with a gun. . It was unknown to which tribe the Indian belonged, why he did it, or where to find him. His brother puts on his robe and mounts his donkey. He rides to an Indian camp that is friendly to the mission and it’s people often conduct trade. The Missionary’s brother leaves town with his donkey weighted down with gifts and a promise to help find the killer. A month or so later, a small band of Indians approaches the gate all on horseback except one. They explain the Indian on foot was responsible for the death of their missionary and he was a member of their tribe. They asked if the mission would like to have him. The missionary’s brother said he would prefer if he were punished by the laws of his own tribe. The tribe sees as a member is punished by its own. The incident ends there.
That is all I have to say about that.
